Who we are • APITER


Who we are

Apiter Laboratories is a regional company, founded in 1978 with the goal of developing products for healthcare and wellness, leveraged with a natural resource with proven therapeutic qualities: Propolis.

This leverage was acquired delving into research, with technological development and industrialization of the production process for Propolis extract: identifying active ingredients of its pharmaceutical, veterinary, cosmetic and nutraceutical formulations. Consequently a quality management system was implemented to involve the regional apicultural sector increasing its productivity and promoting environmental care.

With the goal of continuing to provide efficient solutions to healthcare requirements, Apiter Laboratories widens its product line, developing formulations with different active ingredients providing appropriate options for different aspects of healthcare, wellness and prevention.

Known to be a constantly evolving company with a strong focus on research and innovation, Apiter Laboratories upholds its philosophy and values on its commitment to quality, product sustainability, motivated across the whole organization sharing its work in an environment of trust, ethic and respect.

Alfonso Roth


Around 1930, a descendant of Swiss and German immigrants, Alfonso Roth started venturing into beekeeping, adding this activity to others like poultry farming, rabbit breeding and wine growing that he was developing on his family farm on Nueva Helvecia (Colonia Suiza), Uruguay.

Years later, working along his two sons they focused exclusively on beekeeping, making the farms production adequate for export and adding value by implementing a homogenization process.

In the 70s natural Propolis began to be collected, as it gained commercial value for the first time in Uruguay from being exported to some markets on the European Economic Community.

At the same time, research and development began into technologies for obtaining propolis extract. As a consequence of the extract production and the financial backing of Granja Alfonso Roth (GAR), Apiter Laboratories is founded in 1978 in Uruguay and in 1984 Quemidur, its subsidiary in Argentina.

Since then, Apiter Laboratories has developed Propolis based products for the improvement of human and animal health, rising to be the regional leader in this sectors; continuously furthering research and obtaining a Propolis extract of unprecedented pharmaceutical quality in the world; setting new challenges to innovate and constantly advance on its contribution to society’s health and wellness.

Foundation of Granja Alfonso Roth (GAR). in Colonia Suiza, initially focused on export of Honey, and currently working on Propolis Extract.

Start of research and development of technology for industrialization of Propolis Extract.

First export of Propolis Extract to Germany.

Opening of Spanish markets to Propolis Extract.

Founding of Apiter Laboratories in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Pharmaceutical product line with Propolis, Propóleo-D: Cream, Ointment and Lotion.

Propóleo-D dressing

Veterinary product line with Propolis.

Propóleo-D Powder, Propóleo-D Adhesive Solution Propóleo-D syrup.
Nutraceuticals: Honey with Propolis, Pollen, Royal Jelly, Honey with Royal Jelly. Honey and Propolis lozenges.

Founding of Quemidur S.A. in Argentina.
Terpropil dressing.

Propóleo-D pessary.

Terpropil cream and solution.

Patent for invention of the methods involved in the extraction and standardization of Propolis and of the process for preparing Propolis based pharmaceutical and veterinarian products.

ExpoSevilla prize: “100 innovating enterprises in Latin America”

Start of academic and technological exchange with Universities and Hospitals from Japan.
Milking cream with Aloe Vera and Vitamin A is launched in Argentina.

Terrain purchased in Montevideo for the creation of Apiter Laboratories headquarters.
Propóleo-D Antioxidant.

Propol-Z powder; Argenzil Cream.

Haipiq Propolis Solution developed for the Japanese market.

Milking cream with Aloe Vera and Vitamin A is introduced to Uruguayan markets.

Hidrobas dressings, Bio-Dress dressings.

Lindon-Apiter Anticellulite Cream and Reductor Gel Honey and Propolis lemon flavored lozenges.

ISO 9001 Certification for Design, Development, Production and Commercialization of Propolis Extract.
“Compendium and Monography of Propolis Extract APITER, PEP-100” published.

High Impact Innovation project ANNI - National Agency for Research and Innovation.

National Innovation Prize, NOVA 2010.
Cortico-Dress Dressing.

Gold Medal APIMONDIA 2011.
Apiter Alcohol Gel Honey and Propolis mint flavored lozenges.
2Nd prize Industrial Project Promotion Program.
Addition of new line of Egyptian import dressings.

Propolis soap, Centella Asiatica soap and Milking Cream soap.

Gersitol A.G.E. Lotion, Gersitol ZINC cream.

Addition of new line of German Cosmetic Products.
Gersitol HYDROGEL with Alginate.
New Pharmaceutical Products Plant.
